Team Future Boy has a new mission for you dedicated Future Boy fans. You can do this mission from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and every single contribution from fans will matter!

We all love Future Boy music (I’m assuming you do too, or yo a u wouldn’t be on this site!!) and we all know how great Volume 1 is. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that don’t even know that Future Boy exists because they find out about all of their new music through the radio. We, here at Team Future Boy, think it is sad that there are so many people missing out! This is where we need the help of the fans! We want to get Future Boy played on the radio. Now, it would be great if you all wrote, emailed, or called your favorite radio station and let them know that you would like to hear Future Boy on the radio. In order to make the biggest impact and to make our message heard, we would like to also focus on one radio station, one DJ, and one Future Boy song. We need to make out shout LOUD AND CLEAR. So, here is your mission, dedicated Future Boy fans:

Send letters and postcards to SCOTT MILLS and ask him to play STEP BY STEP on his BBC Radio 1 show!!  Usually Scott doesn’t play requests but as a past fan of Busted and a supporter of great new music, we just know that Scott will listen if hundreds of people let him know they want to hear “Step By Step” on the radio!

Letters should be addressed to:

Scott Mills
BBC Radio 1
Yalding House,
Great Portland Street, London W1N 4DJ

You can also email Scott at

and send him a tweet on Twitter @Scott_Mills  ( )

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Performance in the UK!

On July 26, 2010, in Future Boy, James Bourne, Music, News, Shows, by Tree

James Bourne has signed up to perform in a charity show in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust on September 26, in London. Fans have been asking James for some time now to do a performance in the UK. Finally, UK based Future Boy fans can see James perform live without travelling too far. The venue is fairly small (approximately 400 seats) so fans SHOULD NOT WAIT to purchase tickets as this show will easily sell out! The details are below including the link to purchase tickets. Team Future Boy will be there to show support. We look forward to meeting more Future Boy fans!

Wilton’s Music Hall

Very Musical Evening

in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust

at Wilton’s Music Hall
Unreserved Seating. General Admission.

Sunday, September 26

7:00 PM (5:30 PM doors)
Tickets £30.00 each
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New Myspace page

On July 16, 2010, in Future Boy, News, by Tree

Future Boy has a snazzy new Myspace layout! If you haven’t been to the Future Boy Myspace page, or if you haven’t seen it for a while, now is the time to check it out. Just go to

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Banner Competition Winner

On July 9, 2010, in Contests, Future Boy, by Tree

Our banner competition has ended and we have a winner! Congratulations to Sam ( for winning $50 (via Paypal) for the banner selected by James Bourne as his favorite from all competition entries! The winning banner:

The winning banner

qualified by appearing on the following web page:

Thank you to all of the fans that took the time to submit entries, every single one of them was viewed by James and it was extremely difficult for him to narrow them down to just one winner. All of your hard work was greatly appreciated and to show you this we’d like to send every entrant an exclusive Future Boy prize! Team Future Boy will be contacting eligible entrants to collect the necessary information to send you your prizes. Thanks again for entering and THANK YOU for supporting Future Boy!

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Banner contest extended

On July 2, 2010, in Contests, Future Boy, by Tree

Due to popular demand for a little more time to make excellent banners, the banner competition has been extended for 1 week. This is your last chance to make a banner to help support Future Boy and possibly to win a prize for your efforts. James Bourne will see ALL entries, so be sure you put in some time and effort and make it look good. We’re looking for fun, creativity, and most importantly, a working link back to  Contest closes July 7, 2010. Don’t miss out on your chance to win!

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