Can you believe it? May is almost over! You know what that means, right? That’s right! June 3rd is almost upon us! Remember to check on June 3rd to download Volume 1, Side B to get 5 more Future Boy songs! In the mean time, spread the word and remind all of your friends about the release date. If they don’t have Volume 1, Side A yet, tell them to download it now! Remember to tell everyone about Future Boy music and tell them why you LOVE it!
While the team contest continues, I want to take a minute to remind everyone that June 3rd is nearly upon us! You should have already downloaded Volume 1, Side A when it was released on May 3rd. Don’t you love it? I know I do! I bet you can’t wait for more, right? Well, time is on your side! Just a fortnight to go until you can download some more great music from when Volume 1, Side B is released! Set your calendar reminder now! Don’t miss it! June 3rd. Keep spreading the word!
Future Boy has asked us to spread the word about June 3rd! Could it be that we don’t have to wait too long for Volume 1, Side B of the Future Boy debut album to be released?! This, of course, is purely speculation, but it looks like more Future Boy music is headed our way very soon!
Remember to spread the word!
“spread the word JUNE 3RD”
— | Future Boy (James Bourne) via Twitter |
James Bourne has asked fans, via his Twitter, to “spread the word about June 3rd” and we can only assume that he is telling us the download release date for Volume 1, side B of the Future Boy album! Mark your calendar and remember to keep spreading the word!
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