UPDATE ON THE CONTEST!! Right now it is still really easy to win the contest https://teamfutureboy.com/2010/05/street-team-contest-contest-mission-1/ as no entrant has submitted more than 5 points! Five points is ridiculously easy to achieve! Here at the street team, we LOVE that so many people are willing to post one or two links on the internet, but it will only take a little more than that, right now, to win the prize! Could you really forgive yourself if you missed the opportunity to win a brand new silver 8GB iPod when all you have to do is type a few lines on the computer?!? You don’t have to buy anything. You don’t have to sell anything. All you have to do is go out on the internet, on the sites you already go to, talk to the people you already talk to and post simple links and banners. It’s really easy! Verification is easy too! For example, if you posted your link on the TeamFutureBoy myspace page then you would just send us an email that says: “text link on www.myspace.com/TeamFutureBoy” That’s it! Every time you post a link or a banner, just send us another email and tell us where to find that link or banner so we can verify it is there! Don’t let that iPod get away!
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