Can you believe it? May is almost over! You know what that means, right? That’s right! June 3rd is almost upon us! Remember to check on June 3rd to download Volume 1, Side B to get 5 more Future Boy songs! In the mean time, spread the word and remind all of your friends about the release date. If they don’t have Volume 1, Side A yet, tell them to download it now! Remember to tell everyone about Future Boy music and tell them why you LOVE it!
Team Future Boy is not just about supporting James Bourne in his solo project, Future Boy, but also an effort to support James Bourne all around in his many ventures (he is, after all, multi-talented!). Today we have some super exciting news to share with you all!
Loserville the Musical is coming to the West End in 2011!!
For some time now, James (@JBFutureboy on Twitter) has been talking about the musical he wrote with musical theatre book writer and composer Elliot Davis (TMA Award for Outstanding Musical Production for Once Upon a Time at the Adelphi) which was originally staged by YMT (Youth Music Theatre, UK) in South Hill Park, Bracknell. James had said before that the show was likely headed for the West End (for those unfamiliar with the West End, it is to London what Broadway is to New York. In theatre terms it is a HUGE DEAL to be able to put on a show there!) but had previously been unable to confirm it. James has now announced it as official via Twitter.
“so I have been working on a musical called LOSERVILLE and its officially going to the WEST END 2011 !!!!!”
-@JBFutureboy (James Bourne) on Twitter
James quickly followed the announcement with another tweet revealing the official web address for the show which features character previews and a glimpse at the story line. It looks like it is set to be a great show! Check it out now at
We have a competition winner!
Congratulations Sheyla L. Anandita Ashari
Sheyla did an AWESOME job of posting links all over the internet, spreading the word about Future Boy, and telling friends about the upcoming release on June 3! It was such a great effort that when I informed James of all of the hard work she put into spreading the word, he said he would like to thank her personally! Sheyla, get ready for a video chat with James Bourne! You deserve it!
We would like to thank each of you who went to the effort of posting links for the contest. We appreciate the support and, of course, so does James Bourne. No matter how good a musician is, nobody is going to hear the music if they don’t know it is out there. Musicians depend on the fans to spread the word and they truly appreciate the efforts of every single fan. Thank you for posting links and telling your friends about Future Boy! The more we get the word out there the more Future Boy can do. Want to see more shows? Tours? Get more people to support and spread the word! Even though Team Contest #1 is over, we still need your help to continue spreading the word. Please keep posting those links and telling the world about Future Boy! We will have more contests and goodies for Future Boy supporters coming up soon!
Last day of the Team Future Boy contest! Keep posting those links and reporting them back to us to make sure your contest entry is received!
UPDATE ON THE CONTEST!! Right now it is still really easy to win the contest as no entrant has submitted more than 5 points! Five points is ridiculously easy to achieve! Here at the street team, we LOVE that so many people are willing to post one or two links on the internet, but it will only take a little more than that, right now, to win the prize! Could you really forgive yourself if you missed the opportunity to win a brand new silver 8GB iPod when all you have to do is type a few lines on the computer?!? You don’t have to buy anything. You don’t have to sell anything. All you have to do is go out on the internet, on the sites you already go to, talk to the people you already talk to and post simple links and banners. It’s really easy! Verification is easy too! For example, if you posted your link on the TeamFutureBoy myspace page then you would just send us an email that says: “text link on” That’s it! Every time you post a link or a banner, just send us another email and tell us where to find that link or banner so we can verify it is there! Don’t let that iPod get away!
The first Team Future Boy contest ( is still going! If you haven’t entered yet (remember to submit the links to the pages that show your posted links), be sure you get some links posted and verified before the contest ends! Some entrants will be selected at random to receive limited Future Boy goodies JUST FOR ENTERING!
If you really like Future Boy, now is the time to show it! If you want to help James Bourne, now is the time to do it!
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