On June 1, 2010, in Future Boy, Music, by Tree

Patience may be a virtue, but you don’t need any of that stuff today. Future Boy Volume 1, Side B has been released EARLY! Believe me when I say that Side B was worth the wait and fully worth every penny.  There are some great new songs here from Future Boy! What are you waiting for?! Go to and download it NOW! If you don’t already have Volume 1, Side A now is the time to download that too! After you’ve downloaded, don’t forget to tell your friends! Spread the word…Future Boy rocks!

Preview from Side B

On May 10, 2010, in Uncategorized, by Tree
New song from Future Boy!

Future Boy has released a new song as a preview of Side B of his debut album! The song is called “You Can Dance” and you can listen to it on the Official Future Boy Myspace page here: Those that have downloaded Volume 1, Side A (from have been patiently waiting for Side B, and this is a sweet treat to tide us over until the full release of Side B.

Remember to keep spreading the word!

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