James Bourne sat down with Flecking Records’ Frankie Genchi to discuss the past (Busted and Son Of Dork), the present (those Busted reunion rumors, writing for other artisits, and Loserville the musical), and, of course, Future Boy. It’s great interview and will probably answer a few of the questions you have about James. Check it out!
Patience may be a virtue, but you don’t need any of that stuff today. Future Boy Volume 1, Side B has been released EARLY! Believe me when I say that Side B was worth the wait and fully worth every penny. There are some great new songs here from Future Boy! What are you waiting for?! Go to www.thefutureboy.com and download it NOW! If you don’t already have Volume 1, Side A now is the time to download that too! After you’ve downloaded, don’t forget to tell your friends! Spread the word…Future Boy rocks!
A new contest will be announced shortly… stay tuned! While you’re waiting, keep spreading the word about Future Boy to all of your friends! Tell everyone to check out www.thefutureboy.com and to download Volume 1, Side A if they haven’t already. Keep reminding everyone about the release of Side B on thursday, June 3rd! Remember to also check out Loserville the Musical, featuring songs by James Bourne, coming to the West End in London in 2011! Go to loservillemusical.tv for a sneak peak of the show!
Can you believe it? May is almost over! You know what that means, right? That’s right! June 3rd is almost upon us! Remember to check www.thefutureboy.com on June 3rd to download Volume 1, Side B to get 5 more Future Boy songs! In the mean time, spread the word and remind all of your friends about the release date. If they don’t have Volume 1, Side A yet, tell them to download it now! Remember to tell everyone about Future Boy music and tell them why you LOVE it!
While the team contest continues, I want to take a minute to remind everyone that June 3rd is nearly upon us! You should have already downloaded Volume 1, Side A when it was released on May 3rd. Don’t you love it? I know I do! I bet you can’t wait for more, right? Well, time is on your side! Just a fortnight to go until you can download some more great music from www.thefutureboy.com when Volume 1, Side B is released! Set your calendar reminder now! Don’t miss it! June 3rd. Keep spreading the word!
UPDATE ON THE CONTEST!! Right now it is still really easy to win the contest https://teamfutureboy.com/2010/05/street-team-contest-contest-mission-1/ as no entrant has submitted more than 5 points! Five points is ridiculously easy to achieve! Here at the street team, we LOVE that so many people are willing to post one or two links on the internet, but it will only take a little more than that, right now, to win the prize! Could you really forgive yourself if you missed the opportunity to win a brand new silver 8GB iPod when all you have to do is type a few lines on the computer?!? You don’t have to buy anything. You don’t have to sell anything. All you have to do is go out on the internet, on the sites you already go to, talk to the people you already talk to and post simple links and banners. It’s really easy! Verification is easy too! For example, if you posted your link on the TeamFutureBoy myspace page then you would just send us an email that says: “text link on www.myspace.com/TeamFutureBoy” That’s it! Every time you post a link or a banner, just send us another email and tell us where to find that link or banner so we can verify it is there! Don’t let that iPod get away!
The first Team Future Boy contest ( https://teamfutureboy.com/2010/05/street-team-contest-contest-mission-1/) is still going! If you haven’t entered yet (remember to submit the links to the pages that show your posted links), be sure you get some links posted and verified before the contest ends! Some entrants will be selected at random to receive limited Future Boy goodies JUST FOR ENTERING!
If you really like Future Boy, now is the time to show it! If you want to help James Bourne, now is the time to do it!
James Bourne has announced via Twitter that he has booked his first Future Boy show!
“I just booked a future boy show!” -JBFutureboy (via Twitter)
When asked by a Twitter follower where the show was, he replied:
“LA!” -JBFutureboy (via Twitter)
Exciting news that the shows are beginning, and even more exciting news for fans in L.A. or those able to travel to L.A. We’re really looking forward to it and can’t wait to hear the date and venue announcement.
If you live in the L.A. area or would plan on travelling there to attend a Future Boy show, and would like to help with pre-show promotion in the weeks leading up to the show, please keep following this Tumblr and our Twitter (www.twitter.com/TeamFutureBoy) for team missions and updates on how you can help out in the area!
Thanks for the support
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has emailed Scott Mills already to ask him to play Future Boy on his BBC Radio 1 show. Please keep up the good work by asking all of your friends and family to send emails as well. It only takes a minute to do, it’s free, and best of all, it helps to spread the word about Future Boy!
If you have already sent an email to Scott Mills today, please wait a day or two to send another email to him (no more than one email a day please. We want to be persistent, but we don’t want to SPAM him. Sending a daily request to a radio show is not unheard of, but more than that might be considered a nuisance). While you are waiting to email Scott again, you can send another email to any (or all!) of the BBC Radio 1 DJs listed below and ask them to play Future Boy as well!
Let’s get BBC Radio 1 to play Future Boy! Please take a moment to email Scott Mills at scott.mills@bbc.co.uk and ask him to play Future Boy on BBC Radio 1!
We would like to carry out a campaign to eventually get more BBC radio DJs to play Future Boy music, but we need to start strong by focusing on just one DJ for now.
Why Scott Mills? Well, we chose Scott Mills since he was the DJ that risked getting into trouble by trying to play the entire Busted album on Radio 1! He managed to get through 5 songs before he was made to stop. We think if anyone at Radio 1 could make sure Future Boy gets some songs played, it is Scott Mills! Besides, we love Scott Mills! 🙂
Don’t worry if you don’t live in England. Radio 1 is broadcast on satellite radio worldwide and clips are featured on the internet. Anyone, anywhere, can request music for Radio 1.
Please get your friends and family to send an email to Scott too!
Don’t spam! One email per email address is sufficient. We want them to see lots of different email addresses and lots of different people sending in the requests!
Let’s make it happen!
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